Genesis Diagnostics is a leading reference lab for medical testing and billing company, regional and esoteric Reference Laboratories are accredited by CLIA certified, CAP-accredited state-of-the-art esoteric reference laboratory specializing in analytical chemistry, molecular, hematology, immunology, and clinical chemistry testing.
As we know The human body produces vitamin D as a reaction to sun exposure. A person can also increase his vitamin D intake through certain foods or supplements. Vitamin D deficiency is being found in most people nowadays. Because we do not try to get this essential vitamin. While vitamin D is the easiest to obtain. As soon as you are exposed to sunlight or your skin is exposed to sunlight, the process of manufacturing vitamin D in your body starts. Importance of vitamin d in the human body Vitamin D is actually a group of fat-soluble pro-hormones that gather in body fat. The role of vitamin D is very important in maintaining calcium and phosphorus levels in our body. Vitamin D serves as a steroid to transport calcium from the hands to the bones. Types OF Vitamin D Vitamin D can be divided into 5 parts - Vitamin D-1, Vitamin D-2, Vitamin D-3, Vitamin D-4, and Vitamin D-5. All these vitamins contribute greatly to the health of our body. Vitamin D also plays an important role ...
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